Fabio Moreira
Fabio Moreira
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministries
Campbellsville Campus

PhD Candidate in Leadership, Lancaster Bible College & Capital Seminary; PhD (ABD),
ThM, MACE – youth ministry emphasis, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; MTh,
BA, Campbellsville University; BTh, Faculdade Unida – Brazil; Metallurgical Technical
Degree, Escola Tecnica Federal do Espirito Santo – Brazil.
Mr. Fabio Moreria has served in the past twenty years in several ministries in the
United States and Brazil. He is also an ordained minister of the Gospel. In Brazil,
he served as a discipleship pastor at Primeira Igreja Batista de Laranjeiras and as
a senior pastor at Igreja Batista Central de Vitoria. He also taught different subjects
in CETEBES and STB seminaries in Brazil. In the United States, Campbellsville University,
Mr. Moreira has taught Introduction to the New Testament, Christ & Culture, Ministry
of Christian Leadership, and Christian Studies Internship.
Mr. Moreira have been proudly married to his wife, Valeska, for twenty-four years
and they are parents to two amazing teenagers, Erika and Alex.
Mr. Moreira is currently working on a qualitative research (case study method) to
analyze possible connections between burnout syndrome and servant leadership practices.
He will be graduating in December 2022.